Your one-stop shop for weekly tips on nutrition, fitness, and spiritual growth.
The Health Benefits of Beef Liver
Yes, that's right. Beef liver. It's one of those things that you either love or hate, but did you know that it's PACKED with nutrients. If you can't stand the test of beef liver, try taking it in capsule form as your multivitamin.
Below are a few benefits:
1. Boost energy levels
2. Supports immune function
3. Loaded with iron and vitamin B
4. Can improve cognitive function
Learn more here. ​​​​
Maintaining Progress and Preventing Burnout
1. Switch Up Your Routine
• Avoid Plateaus: Your body adapts to the same workout over time. Change your routine every 4-6 weeks by incorporating new exercises, increasing weights, or altering reps and sets. This can shock your muscles and spur further progress.
• Try Different Workouts: Experiment with different types of exercise like HIIT, yoga, swimming, cycling, or functional training. This helps prevent boredom and challenges your body in new ways.
2. Prioritize Recovery
• Rest Days: Ensure you’re taking rest days to allow your muscles to recover and grow. Overtraining can lead to injuries and fatigue.
• Active Recovery: On your off days, engage in lighter activities like walking, stretching, or yoga. This boosts blood flow and helps your muscles recover faster.
• Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Proper rest enhances muscle recovery, hormone regulation, and overall performance.
3. Focus on Mobility and Flexibility
• Stretch Regularly: Incorporating a stretching routine or yoga can improve flexibility and reduce injury risk.
• Foam Rolling: Use a foam roller to release muscle tension, increase blood flow, and improve mobility, especially after intense workouts.
4. Refine Your Nutrition
• Macro Adjustments: If you’ve been training consistently, your nutritional needs may have changed. Reevaluate your macronutrient intake (proteins, carbs, fats) to match your current goals (fat loss, muscle gain, or maintenance).
5. Take Deload Weeks
• Lower Intensity Periodically: Every 8-12 weeks, consider a “deload” week where you reduce the intensity or volume of your workouts. This prevents overtraining, refreshes your body, and prepares you for the next phase of training.
Matcha Banana Smoothie Recipe: How to make a Matcha Smoothie
Matcha powder has become very popular over the last few years, and there’s a good reason why!
Matcha powder has wonderful health benefits for our bodies and our minds. You can learn more about that below, and how this matcha banana smoothie can benefit you health-wise.
Check out the recipe here. ​
20 Simple Prayer Points For Thanksgiving With Bible Verses
#1 Colossians 2:7– “rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Prayer – God your faithfulness leads my heart to an overflow of thanksgiving! I am grateful to be rooted and grounded in your love, to be built up by you with strength, and to be taught by you in faith. May this day of Thanksgiving reflect our appreciation. Amen
#2 John 16:33– “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
Prayer- Lord, thank you for your peace. A peace that the world cannot give. Thank you, God, that even though we live in a fallen world, we can have peace and assurance that you have overcome this place.
Read more here.